The product

Waterwell is an innovative drinking solution for workplaces, gyms, schools and more, consisting of smart water dispensers that communicate with the user via SmartBottles. The Waterwell dispenser fills the bottles with cooled, filtered and fresh water, and you can choose from a range of combinations with or without flavour, vitamins, energy and carbonation. Fresh, healthy, tasty and personal.

Waterwell drikkeløsning

Waterwell dispenseren

Sentralt i Waterwell konseptet er de smarte vanndispenserne med stor og brukervennlig «touch skjerm» som kommuniserer med brukeren via SmartFlasker. Dispenseren kobles til lokal vannforsyning for å unngå unødvendig transport og lagring av vann.  Vannet filtreres og kjøles ned ved fylling og gir mulighet for 30 kombinasjoner av avkjølt og filtrert vann med eller uten smak, vitaminer, koffein, og kullsyre.

Smaker og tilsetninger

Ved å tilby tilsetting av smaker og funksjoner i drikken skiller Waterwell-konseptet seg fra alle andre løsninger i markedet. Dispenseren har opplegg for totalt 6 ulike smaker, samt mulighet for tilsetning av vitaminer og energi (koffein) og kullsyre. Dette gir 30 kombinasjoner vann med eller uten smak, vitaminer, koffein, og kullsyre. I dag tilbys følgende smaker: fersken, sitron, bringebær og eple, og nye smaker utvikles fortløpende. Alle smakskonsentrater er produsert i Norge.

Waterwell SmartFlasker

Waterwell drikkes alltid i personlige og miljøvennlige SmartFlasker. Med en NFC-Tag i bunnen av flasken gjenkjenner dispenseren Smartflasken og gir en personlig brukeropplevelse. Waterwell Smartflaske er laget av «food grade» rustfritt stål og er 100% resirkulerbar. Den inneholder heller ingen skadelige stoffer. Smartflasken leveres i flere ulike farger, og man kan få sin egen logo eller navn på flasken. «Sports cap» drikketut er tilgjengelig for trening og Waterwell karafler til møterom i kontormiljøer.


Waterwell drikkes alltid i personlige og miljøvennlige SmartFlasker. Med en NFC-Tag i bunnen av flasken gjenkjenner dispenseren Smartflasken og gir en personlig brukeropplevelse. Waterwell Smartflaske er laget av «food grade» rustfritt stål og er 100% resirkulerbar. Den inneholder heller ingen skadelige stoffer. Smartflasken leveres i flere ulike farger, og man kan få sin egen logo eller navn på flasken. «Sports cap» drikketut er tilgjengelig for trening og Waterwell karafler til møterom i kontormiljøer.

Waterwell overalt

Waterwell konseptet er utviklet for å kunne brukes «overalt». Det skal etableres et nettverk av Waterwell dispensere som utplasseres overalt hvor folk ferdes (kontoret, treningssenteret, skoler og universiteter, bensinstasjonen, kiosken, flyplassen, kjøpesenteret, osv.). Alle dispensere blir tilgjengelig via din personlige SmartFlaske fra Waterwell som du har med deg overalt. Og du lokaliserer enkelt nærmeste dispenser via Waterwell Appen på telefonen.


Mange kontorer sliter i dag med gamle lokaler som gir dårlig smak på vannet og hvor det tar lang tid før det blir kaldt. I tillegg drikkes det mye kaffe, som er dyrt og ikke gir ønsket virkning ut over dagen. Ofte handles det også inn vann og brus i plastflasker som står på pulter og kjøkken og må ryddes og kastes.

Med Waterwell får ansatte et gode som øker trivsel og effektivitet. De får sin personlige flaske med bedriften sitt brand og kan drikke ubegrenset med friskt og kaldt vann med god smak, samt mulighet for 30 kombinasjoner med eller uten smak, vitaminer, energi og kullsyre. SmartFlaskene fås i mange farger, kan tilpasses med firmalogo og helt ned til personalisering med navn på hver ansatt. Waterwell kan også fylles i karafler for enkel servering på møterom. Bedriften kan også utnytte den store skjermen til å vise nyttig informasjon, og ikke minst kunne oppfylle noen konkrete bærekraftsmål.

«Å drikke nok vann er viktig. God hydrering hjelper med å maksimere mental prestasjon og har en viktig effekt på energinivå og hjerneaktivitet!»


På treningssentre er det i dag mye plastflasker og treningsflasker i bruk som personalet ofte må rydde og kaste. Lokalene er ofte gamle, som gir dårlig smak på vannet og hvor det tar lang tid før det blir kaldt.

Med Waterwell kan treningssentret tilby et unikt vanntilbud til medlemmene og samtidig sikre seg en ny inntektskilde. Medlemmene sin egen personlige flaske og fyller vann så ofte de vil på sentralt plassert dispenser. De drikker kaldt friskt vann med valgfri smak og med mulighet for å tilsette energi, vitaminer og kullsyre.

Flaskene leveres med praktisk «Sport cap» drikketut for enkel bruk under trening. Mange treningssentre utnytter også teknologien i smartflaskene til å gi adgang til treningssenteret, låse opp garderobeskap, gi tilgang til andre tjenester, m.m. Stilige flasker med treningssenterets logo bidrar også til nyttig eksponering.

«Vann er essensielt for trening og det beste alternativet for kroppen!»

Waterwell drinking solution

The Waterwell dispenser

Central to the Waterwell concept are the smart water dispensers with a large and user-friendly «touch screen» that communicates with the user via SmartBottles. The dispenser is connected to the local water supply to avoid unnecessary transport and storage of water. The water is filtered and cooled down when filling and allows for up to 30 combinations of fresh water with or without flavour, vitamins, energy and carbonation.

Waterwell SmartBottles

Waterwell is always drunk in personal and environmentally friendly SmartBottles. With a NFC tag at the bottom of the bottle, the dispenser recognizes the bottle and your profile, and provides a personal user experience. The Waterwell SmartBottle is made of «food grade» stainless steel and is 100% recyclable. It does not contain any harmful substances either. The smart bottle comes in several different colours, and you can have your own logo or name on the bottle. Sports cap drinking spout is available for training and Waterwell carafes for meeting rooms in office environments.

Flavours and additives

By offering the addition of flavours and functions to the water, the Waterwell concept differs from all other solutions on the market. The dispenser has arrangements for a total of 6 different flavours, as well as the possibility of adding vitamins and energy (caffeine) and carbonation. This gives 30 combinations of water with or without flavour and additives. Today, the following flavours are offered: peach, lemon, raspberry and apple, and new flavors and additives are continuously being developed. All flavor concentrates are produced in Norway.


Waterwell fits perfectly in workplace environments, in the health sector, in fitness centers and in schools, and today has a number of customers in these segments. But the concept fits equally well in shopping malls and hotels. The ambition is that you should be able to fill your Waterwell bottle wherever you go (office, the gym, schools and universities, traffic hubs, shopping centers, etc.).

At the workplace

Many offices today struggle with old premises that give the water a bad taste and where it takes a long time for it to cool. In addition, a lot of coffee is drunk, which is expensive and does not have the desired effect throughout the day. Water and soft drinks are also often bought in plastic bottles that sit on desks and must be cleaned and thrown away.

With Waterwell, employees get a benefit that increases well-being and efficiency. They get their personal bottle with their company’s brand and can drink unlimited fresh and cold water with a good taste, as well as the option of 30 combinations with or without flavour, vitamins, energy and carbonation. The SmartBottles are available in many colours, can be customized with a company logo and even down to personalization with the name of each employee. Waterwell can also be filled into carafes for serving in meeting rooms and to guests. The screen on the dispenser can be used to provide the employees with useful information while filling the bottle with water. In addition, Waterwell will help to fulfill some important sustainability targets for the companies.

It is easy to get Waterwell in the workplace, you only need access to water and electricity. The dispenser is virtually maintenance-free and we conduct an annual service for you.

«Drinking enough water is important. Good hydration helps maximize mental performance and has an important effect on energy levels and brain activity!»

Fitness centers

In fitness centers today, there are a lot of plastic bottles and energy drinks in use, which the staff often have to clean and throw away. The premises are often old, which gives the water a bad taste and where it takes a long time before it gets cold. And traditional water dispensers only provide water with or without carbonated water.

With Waterwell, the fitness center can offer a unique water offer to members and at the same time secure a new source of income. Members have their own personal bottle and fill up water as often as they want at a centrally located dispenser. They drink cold, fresh water with a flavour of their choice and with the option of adding useful additives that gives effect before, during and after training.

The bottles are supplied with a practical «Sport cap» drinking spout for easy use during training. Many fitness centers also utilize the technology in the smart bottles to provide access to the fitness center, unlock lockers, provide access to other wellness services, etc. Stylish bottles with the gym’s logo also contribute to useful exposure.

«Water is essential for training and the best option for the body!»

Waterwell everywhere

The Waterwell concept has been developed from the start to be used «everywhere». The ambition is to establish a network of Waterwell dispensers that are deployed everywhere people go (workplace, gym’s, schools and universities, traffic hubs, kiosk’s, shopping malls, etc.). All dispensers will be available via your personal SmartBottle from Waterwell that you take with you everywhere. And you easily locate the nearest dispenser via the Waterwell App on your phone. Such an App will be further developed to be able to give you an overview of your drinking pattern and your health profile, as well as illustrating the effect the consumption of Waterwell has on the environment and the reduction of plastic bottles.

Common questions

1. Is Waterwell just water?
With Waterwell, you get filtered, fresh, and tasty water, but the concept offers much more than that. Waterwell provides the possibility of a variety of combinations of fresh water with or without flavors, vitamins, energy, and carbonation. In other words, you can customize your drink according to your personal preferences.

2. Is Waterwell easy to maintain?
Waterwell is very easy to maintain. We recommend wiping the screen with a cloth daily; beyond that, there is no maintenance required except for refilling flavors and additives as needed. You can easily change flavors and additives yourself. It’s a Bag in Box (BiB) system where you simply replace the BiB when it’s empty; we estimate changing it 1-2 times per month for an average office environment and a bit more often for fitness centers.

3. Is Waterwell easy to install?
Waterwell can be installed at your location in under an hour. The only prerequisites are access to water (within 2 meters of where the dispenser will be placed) and electricity.

4. How do you clean Waterwell Smartbottles?
Waterwell bottles are easy to keep clean. We recommend simply rinsing them lightly after use. The bottles can be washed in a dishwasher, but not at temperatures exceeding 40 degrees Celsius.

5. If one chooses to add caffeine (energy), how much caffeine is added in one filling?
A bottle of Waterwell with added caffeine contains approximately 55 mg of caffeine. This is slightly less than what you would typically get in a regular cup of coffee. The amount of caffeine can be adjusted per dispenser in consultation with Waterwell.